Blogging tips every beginner should know

Imaji Pietersz
5 min readJan 25, 2021

I'm Imaji Pietersz, a supper new blogger a few days ago. while I was trying to start my blog, I was wondering how should I start my blog, what should I include in my posts, and how to be a good blogger there. Therefore I went through lots of resources and fed up with a soup of information I have gathered. Damnit, maybe I should just forget it, it’s too confusing!

In the end, however, I started my blog and here it is!

By the way, there were lots of tips I wished I knew when I started, before wasting plenty of hours and days scrolling through heavy content and boring documents.

but lucky you, I have got them all for you. shall we start? here we go…

The first question that I encountered was “is a blog the same as a website?”

The answer is NO but yes, a blog is a type of website. The main difference is blogs are regularly updated with new content while websites are not. Especially blogs are dynamic while most websites are static. simply, all blogs can be a website or part of a website. However, not all websites can be called blogs.

second question, “Why I should create a blog?”

Good question huh? here are some good answers as well…

  1. For Attracting an Audience and standing Out- Blogging can help you promote yourself or your business. let me tell you a well-known secret, only 1%of Internet users actively create new content, while the other 99% of the participants simply view it. By blogging, you are becoming unique and special. Impressed huh?
  2. For Organizing Your Thoughts and Learn- My favorite! When you begin writing a blog post, it forces you to teach yourself what you don’t know and to articulate what you do know.
  3. For Validating Expertise- Blogs are the new resumes. So here you can add a point for your career.
  4. For Making Money- If you have a blog with a lot of readers, blogging can make for a great side income. cool hah?

Yeh of course what you thought right now, is an extremely good idea!

As you don’t have any valid reason to say no, let’s get started.

Simply a blog is an online diary or journal located on a website.

So let’s start writing your diary, I meant …online diary!

first step# Choose a great blog platform.

There are plenty of platforms, by the way, I am using medium. So if you are interested, follow these brief steps to make a blog in medium.

  1. First, go to this link.
  2. Go to “New publication”

3. Then you should fill the following form before starting your blogging.

Here are some special things you should remember.

name and description- can be anything you like. But make sure to make it something related to your blog.

note: You can change it anytime you like.

contact details- it is essential to add your contact info, so people can find you easily. You can insert your e-mail, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

tags- you can add up to 5 tags which allow others to search for and discover your publications easily.

alright! grab your coffee and sit, now you are ready to write your first blog article.

I am quite sure you will be a good blogger. But while scrolling through lots of sources I found some details that might help you.

So let me make this good blogger, a greater blogger!

It’s ok, first go through these tips and thank me later.

There are currently more than 600 million blogs on the internet. So the most relevant question here might be how can I stand out from the crowd?

Of course, Why not! So here are few tips for that.

1.Niche down

It means focusing on a hyper-specific topic and becoming pro at that topic. instead of focusing on almost all the related topics, you can choose one most relevant topic and speak up.

ex: If you hope to do a blog on food recipes, there are plenty of food items you have to cover. Instead of covering all, if you are more passionate about smoothies, make sure to choose smoothies and be an expert on that.

Better to use a topic like ‘smoothy-blenda’ shop instead of ‘food-blenda shop’.

2. Create content worth referencing

Instead of adding more and more words to your blog make sure your content is worthy. If you think your article is unique and people will cite, quote, or link to your article, you do great! go for it. If not rework it.

3. Make your posts easy to refer to.

To tell you the truth, I really don't want to read your blog. Instead of that I prefer rather grab my food and watch a movie. The same goes for you, right?

Therefore, it is your job as a writer to help others decide to start reading.

so let me give quick tips to make it easier.

  1. use short paragraphs.
  2. Break up long sentences.
  3. if you have any chance,Insert multimedia.
  4. make sure to add formatting

4. Write attractive headlines

‘’On average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy.’’ -David Ogilvy, Author Confessions of an Advertising Man

One simple thing you can do is Check out some of the most popular blogs on the web and watch how they craft their headlines.

Furthermore, if you are not sure whether you found a great headline or not, try on Headline analyzer.

5. Write a good introduction

An attractive heading leads you to choose the post and read the first sentence only. To hook them in and get them to read the post, the introduction should be great.

6. Write every day

When blogging, what you mainly want is Practice! The more you practice, the better your content will be.

For more information:

For publishing

Best Days to publish on Medium — Tuesday Or Saturday mornings. Seen to increase recommends by up to 33%. Source: Ryan McCready

Worst day to publish new content on Medium — Monday

well, now you know almost everything that a beginner should know. So enjoy your new blog!!

